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Yeshua Protocol book by Carl Gallups

Critically acclaimed, bestselling author Carl Gallups takes you on a whirlwind tour through the pages of scripture like you’ve never experienced! Most of what you’re getting ready to discover has only been available to the world through our own unique, historical generation, and it was mysteriously prophesied to be so, in both the Old and New Testaments - even out of the mouth of Jesus Himself.

No matter how we approach the employing scientifically applied computer programs, peering into the unfathomable depths of quantum physics, revealing stunning ancient Hebrew letter meanings, or by unearthing some of the most shocking of the latest archeological finds…He is there! Standing on the Mount of Olives and looking down upon the hills and valleys that uncannily encircle His name around His Holy City, peering through the most powerful computerized microscopes the world has ever known to find Yahweh’s Name encoded upon our own DNA…and even by looking at the undeniable Yeshua “codes” buried within the pages of the Old Testament as they were first penned in the original alphabet…we simply cannot ignore the truth of the matter…the presence of His Name, etched upon every page of the scripture, is utterly inescapable.

 He truly is the Aleph and the Tav, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

He is Yeshua…like you’ve never before fathomed Him.

Kings of the East Book By LTC Robert L. Maginnis

China is out to eliminate America and the western world and impose their communist culture on the entire planet. How do we know? Their history, economic power and coming military superiority backed by their rigid focus on instituting a one-world government under the Chinese Communist Party, a plan which is coming together now and is exposed to the world. Is there time to reverse their maniacal advance against freedom and democracy? Bob Maginnis reveals the danger and opportunity ahead in China’s New World Order.

Trajectory Book by Terry James

Today’s society and culture are increasingly saturated with evil, Genesis 6-level activity. Delusion and deception (deceivers and demonic influences) assault this generation through reprobate thinking.

We only have to consider how this so-called woke insanity with its cancel culture is affecting people who have been inculcated with anti-God, anti-America-as-founded education—how social, mainstream news and entertainment media and even the  commercial industry and U.S. military suffer from the upside-down thinking flowing from humanity turning its back on God.

TRAJECTORY: Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, projects through seventeen Bible prophecy experts a vivid, in-depth picture of what is happening. Each contributor, with superlative analysis of the issues and events of this end-of-the-age turbulence, lights up in radar scope-like magnification the boiling, end-times clouds and lightning of wickedness approaching from across the prophetic horizon.